Personnel / Dynamique du paysage et biodiversité
González Olabarría, José Ramón
973 48 1752 (269)

I am PhD in Forest Sciences by the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Joensuu (Currently named University of Eastern Finland - Itä-Suomen yliopisto) in Finland and senior researcher at the CTFC. I hold a BSc on agricultural engineering by the Public University of Navarra (UPNA, 1998), a Forest engineering degree by the University of Lleida (UdL, 2001), a master on forest Science by the university of Joensuu (Joensuun Yliopisto, 2002), while my doctoral dissertation took place on June 2006. 
Once the PhD was defended, I started working at CTFC the year 2006 as junior researcher within the MEDFOREX project, obtain a Juan de la Cierva post-doc (2007-2010), a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (2012-2016), and the I3 program (2017 - ongoing).
My research focuses in the study of abiotic risk and its inclusion into forest management planning. For that purpose, I have developed models to assess the susceptibility of different types of forests to fire and other disturbances. The susceptibility of different types of forest to fire being analyzed based on its main components: fire ignition occurrence, fire spread probability, and amount of damage caused by fire once it occurs. Similar approaches are being used to assess the impact of other disturbances such as wind and snow, soil erosion, or browsing on forested lands.