Solsona, 8 November 2018
Forest Science and Technology
Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)
Current situation and future challenges

1998 is sadly remembered in Solsonès for suffering the greatest forest fire ever. It swept 27,000 hectares throughout the region in 3 days. 20 years later, local people ask themselves if such tragedy can happen again. Finding an answer is not easy because nowadays fire brigades are dealing with a different type of wild fires known as “6th generation forest fires” which are far more intense, faster and unpredictable in behaviour than the ones in the past.

Examples of these are to be found recently in the forest fires in Portugal and Greece, where not only the wild was severely burned and damaged but also a large number of casualties and injured people were to be regretted. Different approaches and discussions about dealing with these vast fires have to be held: how to respond to this new reality?

In which direction are efforts to be made? Is more machinery and staff needed, or maybe a more efficient planning and land management instead? Or both? The workshop aims to shine a light among these topics and looks forward to a productive gathering of experts and skilled professionals from around the world.