Personnel / Dynamique du paysage et biodiversité
Camprodon Subirachs, Jordi
973 48 1752 (237 - 299 )

His research focuses in the analysis of interaction between the biological conservation and the forestry and others land-uses at local and landscape scales. His activity focuses on the applied research and the transfer the results to the land management. The variability of the internal composition and structure of the habitat at stand scale is the main ecological factor that explains the richness, abundance and diversity of the faunal communities and populations of species. He was worked in the relations fauna and the changes of his habitats in the Mediterranean, Eurosiberan and Alpine ecosystems and landscapes, using birds and mammals as a bioindicators.

At the same time, he focuses the research from the point of view of the ecology and conservation of endangered species, as the capercaille, woodpeckers and forest bats in relation with the structural variables of the habitat (recovery of vegetation stratus and species, density and diametric distribution of the trees, volume and type of dead wood and availability of cavities in trees) in different management or natural perturbation scenarios.

Améztegui A., Gil-Tena A., Faus J., Piqué, M., Brotons, Ll., Camprodon J. 2017. Bird community response in mountain pine forests of the Pyrenees managed under a shelterwood system. Forest Ecology and Management. In press.

Camprodon J., Faus J., Salvanyà J., Soler-Zurita J., Romero, J. 2015. L.Suitability of poplar plantations for a specialist cavity-nesting bird, the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor, in a Mediterranean landscape mosaic context. Acta Ornithologica: 50 (2): 157-169.

Camprodon J. 2008. Elementos biológicos a tener en cuenta en la planificación forestal a escala de rodal y de. Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cienc. For.27, pp.79-86. ISSN 1575-2410.

Camprodon, J., Salvanyà, J. & Soler-Zurita, J. 2008. The abundance and suitability of tree cavities and their impact on hole-nesting bird populations in beech forests of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Acta Ornitológica. 43 (1), pp.17-31. ISSN 0001-6454.

Camprodon J., Brotons Ll. 2006. Effects of undergrowth clearing on bird communities of Northwestern Mediterranean coppice Holm oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 221: 72-82. ISSN 0378-1127.

Camprodon J., 2014. Título: Ecologia i conservació dels ocells forestals. Un manual de gestió de la biodiversitat en boscos catalans. CTFC & Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya. 223 p. ISBN 978-84-895-9366-0

Ménoni, E., Favre-Ayala, V., Cantegrel, R., Revenga, J., Camprodon, J., Garcia, D., Campion, D. & Riba. 2012. Réflexion technique pour la prise en compte du Grand tétras dans la gestion forestière pyrénéenne. FORESPIR, Union Européenne, DREAL-Midi-Pyrénées. Toulouse.

Camprodon; J. Plana; E.2007. Conservación de la biodiversidad, fauna vertebrada y gestión forestal. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. ISBN 848338275X.