Personnel / Bioéconomie, santé et gouvernance
Plana Bach, Eduard
973 48 1752 (227)

Forest engineer and Msc in Wildfires Management at University of Lleida. Ending his forestry degree at University of Wageningen about socio-environmental dimension of tropical deforestation, he was introduced in assessing complexity on forest resources management.

Taking part of CTFC from the beginning, currently he coordinates Forest Policy and Risk Governance group. Among other works, he has developed the regional scheme of SFM certification (2001) or the National Forest Policy Plan (2014) in Catalonia. His main domains are wildfire risk management, environmental governance and communication, and strategic forest land planning looking into forest and society updated relations. He has coordinated and participated in several Horizon2020 EU projects and international consultancies as the National Forest Policy Plan in Lebanon (The World Bank, 2013) or the Forest Fires Strategy at Tunis (FAO, 2015). 

Co-editor of 2 editions volume “Conservació de la Biodiversitat i Gestió Forestal” (biodiversity conservation and forest management, Edicions UB).

He is founder member of Fire Ecology and Fire Management Pau Costa Alcubierre Foundation, vocal of Catalan association of forest certification, and he has been vocal of Catalan land stewardship network and president of the mountain forest Project / Berwaldprojekt Catalunya for several years.

He has organised multiple international conferences, workshops, dissemination activities or media reports about forest resources and wildfires, and currently is teaching in several international Master courses.

Plana,  E., Font, M., Serra, M., 2016. Forest fires, guideline for communicators and journalists. eFIRECOM Project. CTFC Editions. 32pp

Plana, E; Font, M; Serra, M., Borràs, M., Vilalta, O. 2016. Fire and forest fires in the Mediterranean; a relationship story between forest and society. Five myths and realities to learn more. eFIREcom project. CTFC editions. 36pp

Plana, E., Font, M., Green, T. (Ed.). 2015. Operational tools and guidelines for improving efficiency in wildfire risk reduction in EU landscapes. FIREfficient Project. CTFC Editions. 83pp

Plana, E. 2011. Integració del risc d’incendis en la planificació forestal territorial i l’ordenació del territori. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 71-72: 69-92

Plana, E. 2011. Cultura del risc i comunicació sobre el foc i la gestió del risc dels incendis forestals. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 71-72: 265-282

Plana, E. 2010. Gestione forestale e prevenzione degli incendi. Analisi economica a scala di paesaggio. Sherwood 166:11-16

Camprodon, J., Plana, E. (Ed.). 2007. Conservación de la biodiversidad, fauna vertebrada y gestión forestal (2a edición revisada y ampliada). Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. 605pp

Plana, E., de Miguel, S., Domínguez, G. 2004. Gestió forestal i percepció social sobre el paper dels boscos com a eina per al desenvolupament rural. Silvicultura 44:7-8

Domínguez, G., Plana E. 2002. The paradox of Mediterranean forests: between economic profitability and social demands. The Catalan case. En Wiersum, K.F., Elands, B.H.M (Ed.) Nature Forest in society. The Changing role of forestry in Europe: perspective for rural development. Proceedings 2002-02 Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group. Wageningen University Environmental Sciences. Pp:133-145