We contribute to science for sustainable forest management, biodiversity and circular bioeconomy. We want to become a hub of excellence in research and transfer of technology to society.

To achieve this, we are organized on three programs: multifunctional forest management, landscape dynamics and biodiversity, and governance, health and bioeconomy.

The research carried out within these programs is focused on key aspects such as environmental function equilibrium, climate change adaptation or competitiveness along value chains. Part of the activity carried out in the programs is transferred to society by the company FBS.

programes de treball
Key projects /

Cartografia d'Espècies de Conservació Prioritària de Catalunya

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Cátedra Steppe Forward
Cátedra Steppe Forward /

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Life AgroForAdapt
Life AgroForAdapt /

Sistemas AgroForestales para la adaptación al cambio climático de espacios agrícolas y forestales mediterráneos

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BioForPiri /

Bioeconomia Forestal als Pirineus

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Mediterranean Wood Chemistry Lab
Mediterranean Wood Chemistry Lab /

A joint research and transfer unit to promote the development of biorefineries and bioproducts from Mediterranean agroforest ecosystems

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FORMES System /

The FORMES projection system for multi-objective forest planning in Spain

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BoscAran /

Reactivación de la gestión forestal y transición energética verde del Valle de Arán

logotip CTFC

Innovative technologies and socioecological- economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe

logotip CTFC
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