• Biodiversity
  • Key projects
  • News

We work for biodiversity conservation, the sustainable management of natural systems.  We study the biology and ecology of populations, habitats and endangered species; these are key bioindicators in the functioning of ecosystems in the context of global change. We model the factors which determine species distribution.

We support administrations in the integration and analysis of information on biodiversity and in the generation of innovative planning tools for generating products which improve decision-making in natural systems management, including those involved in biodiversity conservation.

Key projects /
Life Uncinata
Life Uncinata /

Conservació de les pinedes de pi negre del Pirineu

logotip CTFC

Cartografia d'Espècies de Conservació Prioritària de Catalunya

logotip CTFC
Cátedra Steppe Forward
Cátedra Steppe Forward /

logotip CTFC

Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe

logotip CTFC
News /