Bioeconomy, health, and governance / CTFC

The study and promotion of the bioeconomy is closely related to the research, innovation and the competitiveness of value chains, mitigation of climate change and economic and social development in rural areas.

The demand and markets for emerging products requires the establishment of new processes and bioproducts (cross-laminated wood, proximity biomass circuits, truffles, mushrooms, cork, aromatic and medicinal plants, etc.), aiming to fit the bioeconomy into the circular economy and promote new policies


R+D lines and Transfer

  • Value chain of forest products, wood, and non-wood products
  • Bioenergy and agroforest bioproducts
  • Forest economy
  • Pollicy and governance
  • Ecosystemic services and payment for environmental services
  • Forest diseases and pests and their impact on value chains
  • Environment and Human Health. EH2Lab
  • Biocities
Working areas

/ Forest use and wood products

/ Wood, derived technological products and their application in construction

/ Non-wood forest products: mushrooms, truffles, cork, aromatic and medicinal plants, forest fruits, pine nuts, etc.

/ Territorial analysis and database management

/ Risk governance

/ Strategic forest planning

/ Cost–benefit analysis

/ Evaluation of externalities and political instruments

/ Economic evaluation of environmental projects

/ Design and evaluation of governance instruments

Bioeconomy and governance team program
Puy Marimón, Neus
Head of programme

Head of group
Colinas González, Carlos
Forest health
Cristobal Cabau, Roser
Aromatic and medicinal plants
de Miguel, Sergio
Global forest ecosystem research
Gené Sera, Jordi
Catalan Institute of Wood
Górriz Mifsud, Elena
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Maneja Zaragoza, Roser
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health

Oliach Lesan, Daniel
Mycological group
Pecurul Botines, Mireia
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Plana Bach, Eduard
Forest policy and risk governance
Raddi, Adriano
Logging, forest mechanization and woody biomass
Sebastià Álvarez, M. Teresa
Biodiversity, Functional Ecology and Global Change

Researchers / Specialists
Albó Timor, Dalmau
Brunet Navarro, Pau
FIRE-RES Coordination Team
Capdevila Canal, Sira
Aromatic and medicinal plants
Cardil, Adrian
Global forest ecosystem research
Correal Mòdol, Eduard
Catalan Institute of Wood
Cuadrench Tripiana, Anna
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health

Darnay, Soazig
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Erdozain, Maitane
Global forest ecosystem research
Giraldo, M. Pilar
Hajtmarova, Sarka
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Huertas Manso, Maria
Forest policy and risk governance
Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba, José

Martí Casanovas, Miquel
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health
Martínez de Aragón Remírez de Esparza, Juan
Mycological group
Meijer Mora, Andreu
Forest health
Moré Palos, Eva
Aromatic and medicinal plants
Picchi, Gianni
Logging, forest mechanization and woody biomass
Puy Marimón, Neus
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health

Rohaniyan, Marziyeh
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health
Romera, M. del Carmen
International UNESCO Center for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves
Rovira Pérez, Marta
Ruano, Antonio
Logging, forest mechanization and woody biomass
Serra Davos, Marta
Forest policy and risk governance
Taghouti, Ibtissem
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems

Vilches Casals, Marcel
Catalan Institute of Wood

Technicians / PhD Students
Avila Callau, Aitor
Canals Calderón, Adrià
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health
Castellano, Guillem
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Codina Palou, Mireia
Logging, forest mechanization and woody biomass
Fossas Anguera, Ana
Guiteras Cors, Núria
Catalan Institute of Wood

Ollé Mercadé, Josep
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Ponce López, Ángel
Ribes Besalú, Narcís
Rovellada Ballesteros, Marc
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Rubio Felez, Alba
Forest policy and risk governance

Associate members
Arenas, Francisco
Mycological group
Castaño Soler, Carles
Mycological group
Debouk, Haifa
Ferrer Vilaplana, Aleix
Guinot Sánchez, Melissa
Ibañez Raffaele, Mª Mercedes
Biodiversity, Functional Ecology and Global Change

Labèrnia, Carles
Catalan Institute of Wood
Llovet Martín, Alba
Muñoz Adalia, E. Jordan
Prokofieva, Irina
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Rodríguez Fernández-Blanco, Carmen
Socioeconomics and governance of rural systems
Viñals Lacalle, Esteve
Forest chemistry, bioproducts and human health