Staff / General Direction
Tomé, Margarida
Forest inventory and modeling

Margarida Tomé is a Full Professor at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, and a member of the Forest Research Center, where she coordinates the ForChange research line (Forest ecosystem management under global change).

She has extensive research experience in the areas of Natural Resources Inventory, Forest Growth Modelling under a scenario of global changes, Forest management, assessment of non-wood forest products and ecosystem services. She coordinated and/or participated in several research projects (national and international). She has also been responsible for several technical projects, especially in the areas of forest inventory and forecasting the evolution of the Portuguese forest.

She has more than 300 publications, of which around 40% are in international refereed journals. Since 2001, she has been co-editor of the Springer series “Managing Forest Ecosystems” (ISSN: 1568-1319) she was one of the Editors of the journal Forest Ecology and Management between 2019 and 2022.

She is vice-president of the IUFRO task force “Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future” and was coordinator of Division 4.0 of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) between 2005 and 2014. She is currently the Vice-Chair of the European Forest Institute Board (has been a Board member since 2021) and was a member of the EFI Scientific Advisory Board (2000 – 2004) and President of the European Institute of Cultivated Forests (2002 – 2006). She is also a member of the National Council of the College of Forestry in the Order of Engineers (Portugal).