Personal /Dinàmica del paisatge i biodiversitat
Villero Pi, Daniel
973 48 1752 (288)

PhD in Biodiversity at the University of Barcelona

For the last 14 years I have developed my research activity in the Forest Science and Technology Centre, improving my technical and management skills in research and knowledge transfer projects based on national and international partnerships, and gaining a solid experience in the science-policy interface in the field of biodiversity conservation and environmental planning.

I’m also an associate researcher of the Catalan Ornithological Institute and the Spanish Herpetological Society. I have 45 scientific publications (h-index 13 in Google Scholar; 15 SCI including prestigious magazines such as Nature, Conservation Letters, Journal of Applied Ecology) and dozens of technical reports, as contributions to 15 national and international research projects and more than 20 knowledge transfer projects from national and international calls.




Herrando S, Titeux N, Brotons L, Anton M, Ubach A, Villero D, García-Barros E, Munguira ML, Godinho C & Stefanescu C. 2019. Contrasting impacts of precipitation on Mediterranean birds and butterflies. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9(1), 5680.

Hermoso V, Villero D, Clavero M. & Brotons L. 2017. Spatial prioritisation of EU’s LIFE-Nature program to strengthen the conservation impact of Natura 2000. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. December 2017, 1–8.

Clavero M, Ninyerola M, Hermoso V, Filipe AF, Pla M, Villero D, Brotons L & Delibes M. 2017. Historical citizen science to understand and predict climate-driven trout decline. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 284: 20161979. doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1979

Villero D, Pla M, Camps D, Ruiz-Olmo J & Brotons L. 2016. Integrating species distribution modelling into decision-making to inform conservation actions. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 26 (2): 251–271. doi:10.1007/s10531-016-1243-2

Hermoso V, Clavero M, Villero D & Brotons L. 2015. Environmental policy: Continental targets for EU conservation. NATURE 528, 193. doi:10.1038/528193b

Richter-Boix A, Garriga N, Montori A, Franch M, San Sebastián O, Villero D & Llorente GA. 2013. Effects of the non-native amphibian species Discoglossus pictus on the recipient amphibian community: Niche overlap, competition and community organization. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS 15: 799–815. doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0328-4


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