Staff / Dinámica del paisaje y biodiversidad
Morán Ordoñez, Alejandra
973 48 1752 ()

Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez is a landscape ecologist, who researches the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on landscape patterns and species distributions at different spatial and temporal scales. Her research has a strong applied focus, developing innovative technical solutions to generate new knowledge that informs management. In 2012, and after completing her PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of León, she worked as a Post-doctoral research fellow first at Monash University (2012-2013) and then at the University of Melbourne (2013-2015). In Australia she participated of various projects focused on the use of quantitative analytical tools to inform biodiversity conservation decisions. Since September 2015 she works at the InFOREST JRU (CTFC-CREAF) on assessing the future impacts of global change on Mediterranean forests.

Morán-Ordóñez, A., Briscoe, N.J. and Wintle B. (In press) Modelling species responses to extreme weather provides new insights into constraints on range and likely climate change impacts for Australian mammals. Ecography. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02850.

Davis, J., Sim, L., Thompson, R. M., Pinder, Brim Box, J., Murphy, N.P., Sheldon, F., Morán-Ordóñez, A. and Sunnucks, P (In press). Patterns and drivers of aquatic invertebrate diversity across an arid biome. Ecography. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02334.

Morán-Ordóñez, A., Lahoz-Monfort, J. J., Elith, J. and Wintle, B. (2017) Evaluating 318 continental-scale species distribution models over a 60-year prediction horizon: what factors influence the reliability of predictions? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26: 371-384. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12545.

Morán-Ordóñez, A., Whitehead, A.L., Luck, G. W., Cook, G.D., Maggini, R., Fitzsimons, J.A, and Wintle, B. A (2017) Analysis of trade-offs between biodiversity, carbon farming and agricultural development in northern Australia reveals the benefits of strategic planning. Conservation Letters, 10: 94-104. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12255

Tingley, R., Mahoney, P.J., Durso, A.M., Tallian, A.G., Morán-Ordóñez, A. and Beard KH (2016) Threatened and invasive reptiles are not two sides of the same coin. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25: 1050-1060.

Razeng, E., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Brim Box, J., Thompson R., Davis, J. and Sunnucks, P. (2016). A potential role for overland dispersal in shaping aquatic invertebrate communities in arid regions. Freshwater Biology, 61: 745-757.

Morán-Ordóñez, A., Pavlova, A., Pinder, A., Sim, L., Sunnucks, P., Thompson, R. and Davis J. (2015) Aquatic communities in arid landscapes: local conditions, dispersal-traits and landscape configuration determine local biodiversity. Diversity & Distributions, 21: 1230-1241.

Morán-Ordóñez, A., Bugter, R., Suárez-Seoane, S., de Luis, E. and Calvo, L. (2013) Temporal Changes in Socio-Ecological Systems and Their Impact on Ecosystem Services at Different Governance Scales: A Case Study of Heathlands. Ecosystems, 16: 765-782.