Staff / Bioeconomía, salud y gobernanza
Smeenk, Annick
Política forestal y gobernanza del riesgo
973 48 1752 ()

Bachelor's degree in Water Management from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Master's in Climate Studies from Wageningen University and Research,

She is dedicated to addressing practical environmental challenges through research applied projects.

Her expertise is related to climate change adaptation strategies, climate governance, and various aspects of landscape management with a recent specific emphasis on wildfire risk. She has been involved in several EU and regional projects, predominantly centred on wildfire risk management. These projects cover a wide spectrum of topics, including risk communication, networking, urban and spatial planning, and apply to multifaceted challenges.

Glatzle, A., Reimer, L., Núñez-Cobo, J., Smeenk, A., Musálem, K., Laino, R. (2020). Groundwater dynamics, land cover and salinization in the dry Chaco in Paraguay. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. ISSN 1642-3593.